Why Get Your Music
on Spotify?

Wide Coverage: Access 140M+ monthly listeners.

Global Reach: From big stars to indie artists worldwide.

Monetization: Earn money from every stream.

Growing Audience: More listeners and subscribers daily.

Easy Access: Simple to get your music on Spotify and start profiting.

What Can Spotify
Music Streaming Do
For Me?

Global Exposure: Reach over 200 million listeners worldwide.

Playlist Placement: Gain visibility on curated playlists.

Analytics: Access insights into audience demographics and streaming trends.

Royalties: Earn revenue based on your music's streams.

Promotion Tools: Utilize Spotify for Artists to manage your profile and engage with fans.

How Much Money
Can I Make on

Earn from Streams: Get paid every time your tracks are played.

Market Dynamics: Payments based on where your music is popular.

Direct Deals: Negotiate better terms for your music.

Limitless Potential: No cap on your earning potential.

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Make More Money

Simple up front pricing– without hidden fees or annual renewal costs.

Get More Reach

Sell your music online via 600+ stores and get press coverage.

Build Your Career

Take advantage of various plans & bundles for a suite of services.

No Hidden Costs

No cancellation, per region or per store fees included.

Free Codes

UPC and ISRC codes included with every release.


Features on curated playlists to expand your audience.


Pre-release and promotional tools available for stores.

Chart Registration

Chart eligible and registered releases for mass exposure.