Instagram Reels
can Reel It In

Audience Reach: With over one billion users, Instagram offers a vast audience three times the population of the United States.

Music-Loving Demographic: 68% of daily music listeners are aged 18-34, aligning perfectly with Instagram's user base where 64% are in the same age group.

Targeted Exposure: Distributing your music to Instagram targets an audience that actively engages with music content.

Wondering how to get your music on Instagram?

Can I Collect
Royalties on Instagram?

TikTok-like Format: Instagram Reels mirrors the popular TikTok format, ideal for indie artists aiming to reach a wider audience through short-form, music-focused content.

User Engagement: Once distributed by Octiive, your music becomes available for fans to use in their 15-second Reels videos, expanding your reach.

Streamlined Discovery: Reels content directs viewers back to your official music catalog or Instagram profile, making it easy for new fans to explore more of your tracks.

Join Octiive to leverage Instagram Reels and connect with a broader audience today!

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Features on curated playlists to expand your audience.


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Chart Registration

Chart eligible and registered releases for mass exposure.